December 06, 2007

Not this time

Last week was a week full of challenges for me. Both of my kids got a horrible
case of the stomach flue. My son had it the worse. Although I had experienced my
daughter having the stomach flue when she was only a few months old it didn't
make it any less scary with my son. He's only 4 months old & to watch him be
that sick was very distressing. Both my little ones ended up pulling through it
and are up to their old ways already. Thank God.

I got exited Saturday because I'd lost enough weight that none of my jeans fit.
My wife made a big deal out of taking me to Sears for a couple pair of skinny
jeans. What a great wife I have. She said all the right things to really make me
feel good about myself. When we got there we started searching for a pair that
would fit me, after about ten minutes we realized Sears didn't sell any jeans
that large. We went to 2 other stores at the mall looking for a pair large
enough to fit me. No luck. I'm still to big to shop for clothes in a normal
person store. Normally things like that upset me allot & when something bothers me I turn to food for comfort. I'm not going to lie, I was ready to start shoveling down some serious

When I got home there was a package in the mail for me. I assumed it was going
to be my weight watchers book on eating out. To my surprise when I opened it up
it was a 3rd place trophy for the Silverman Iron distance triathlon. In case
anyone is not up to speed on the happenings of Cody-the-Clydesdale, I DNF'd that
race a couple weeks ago. That trophy sat there in my hands mocking me, my weight
problems, & all that I wanted so badly to be. Oh how badly I want to be an
Ironman. I've been a triathlete for 4.5 years & that entire time I trained for
one reason. To finish 140.6 miles in under 17 hrs. To hear "Cody Hanson, you are
an Ironman." To be able to get the M-dot tattooed on the back of my calf. All
that I desired was sitting in my hands in a painful reminder that I had failed.
There were only 3 people in the Clyd division at the Silverman. If I could of only finished the bike by the cutoff time I would of truly earned
that trophy. It was a beautiful trophy. I rarely get mad. It's always been
pretty hard to get me upset. Sitting there with my dream trophy in my hands that
I failed to earn & having to wear a pair of sweat pants because Santa Fe doesn't
sell jeans large enough for me was more than enough to push me over board. I got
2 boxes of brownie mix out & started making me a huge pan of feel good!
A couple of minutes before the brownies were ready I turned on the TV. I found
that the Ironman World championships was on. It had been on long enough that I
saw who the top 10 males & females were. I saw an idol of mine had made it into
the top 10. Michael Lovato. Most of my buddies don't know why I'm such a big fan
of his. A few years ago I was watching the Ironman Championships & saw that
there was a pro triathlete (Lovato) who was expected to finish top 5. Lovato got
severe intestinal problems on the bike & ended up finishing somewhere around 13 hrs & in 298th place. But dang it he finished! Almost every top tier pro
triathlete I'd seen to that point had quit when he/she was not going to finish
the race near where they expected. I understand why they do this. It would be
better to get off the course & DNF than risk ruining the next season due to
injury. But Lovato finished, risking injury, he simply refused to take the easy
route out. He continued on even when almost every other athlete in his position
would of stopped, he never quit! His fortitude brought him back into the money.
Often times God takes care of me even when I do not deserve it. I experienced a
couple of things that day that were painful & incredibly humiliating to me. My
family watched me search in vain to find any jeans that would fit & I now own a
trophy to remind me of one of the most painful failures of my life. When I was
ready to call it quits God put one of the only things in front of me that could
of pulled me out of my own self misery. I watched more & more athletes cross that finish line & I decided I was NOT going to DNF again! And part of my
plan had to be to lose this last 34 lbs. I turned off the oven, got out my
bike, rode to the correctional academy gym & hit a great 1hr chest & back
workout with the free weights, then I rode my bike across town to the pool & had
an incredible 40 minute swim. Went to the cardio room upstairs & did 3 sets of
10 minutes rowing to 10 minutes running, repeat. Then I rode to the Santa Fe
high school & ran up & down the entire stadium twice which took another 45
minutes. By then it was dark & rode I back home. Total time on bike round trip
was 2:10 minutes. I completed a total workout of 5hrs 5 minutes.

I want to become an Ironman now more than ever. Not only to prove to myself that I can can do it but also to show my children by example that as long as they continue to try, learn from their mistakes, & don't except failure they can overcome any obstacle.


Chris said...

Good on you man for not taking the easy out "self-pity" (eat to make you feel beter) route and for heading out to put that negative energy to work for something positive.

God has plans for your ironman dream. "Ask and ye shall receive" but it's in HIS time. He is molding you and preparing you to be an ironman when you are truly ready.

You are the man! You overcame one of your toughest competitors. Food. And that's tough! Ask me how I know. :-)

S. Baboo said...

Good job Cody! Now I am more excited than ever to see you at the finish line of Ironman Arizona. I'm thinking that it may be a blessing that you DNF'd Silverman if only because this is such a huge dream for you, to become an Ironman, that you should experience it at a genuine, sanctioned Ironman event.

the Dread Pirate Rackham said...

Cody - that is such an awesome story. Good for you!

Keep that trophy - it seems like it will be a powerful reminder to you. Use its power for good!

SWTrigal said...

Cody-I know you struggle with food so good for you to choose the healthier outlet! That is so interesing that you got that trophy in mail. I believe there is a reason for everything. Everytime you feel like doing the eating thing-just look at that trophy! You will be an Ironman!!

Dave Wheeler said...

Congratulations Cody!

You are the November 2007 Clydesdale Athlete of the Month!

You are an inspiration to not only your little ones but to many of us BIG ONES too!

Keep up the good work and don't give up!

Dave Wheeler

Anonymous said...

Good job Cody. I believe in you. I've trained with you. I KNOW how driven you are. You will hear those words, some day soon.

As always, with great respect and affection,


BreeWee said...

WOW! Super post... I'm hooked on your blog now! Hey, YOU CAN DO IT! I just finished my first Ironman this season... I know you can qualify then beat the 17 hours, then get the tattoo! With as much of your posts I've read you got the heart and drive... they say Ironman is like 90% mentally challenging... I think you got that much or more!