May 23, 2008

Santa Fe Seals, calorie reduction

Today was the 2nd day of having lowered my daily caloric intake. Today was allot easier than yesterday was. Yesterday I was hungry all day. Today, there were a few times I got hungry. But overall it wasn't as bad & was a much easier day to handle. Not sure if it's a mental thing, or physical. But I won't complain.

I completed my 1st swim workout with the Santa Fe Seals today. It was hard because all those kids knew the drills & most of the workouts without being told. Since I'm not a member of their team I didn't want to pester the coach with questions about what drill I should be doing. Out of the hour long workout I may have spent 20 minutes actually swimming. The rest of the time I spent trying to watch kids swimming & figure out what drills or techniques they were practicing. I'd like to say when it got to the actual swim sets it was better going, but I'd be lying. The coach gave each child's times that they should be swimming each set in. I was trying to find a child that my swim time was comparable to, & there weren't any. All of them were either much faster or slower than me. I did my best, which when it comes to swimming isn't great. But I'll keep practicing on my own & with the Seals until I'm a good swimmer. No matter how much work & humiliation it takes. The next practice should be allot more productive because I've figured out mostly what I should be doing.

There is a funny story to tell. I was trying to immolate one 8 year old girls swim drill, but I couldn't figure out what it was she was doing. So I asked her what drill it was & what the drill should teach. She started giggling & told me there was a spider on the bottom of the pool yesterday & she was looking for it. I'd been doing the same thing as her for almost 5 minutes. Not only did I never master the way she was swimming, but neither of us ever did see that pesky spider.

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