My wife's Aunt & Uncle bought our kids a rabbit for Easter. The rabbit arrived in very very small bird cage. Definitely not something large enough to be comfortable. So now I get to spend the day buying $80 worth of supplies (which we can't afford right now) & building a rabbit cage (which I don't have time to build). Ah, gotta love family. This is the cage I'm going to try & build.
lol. have fun!
Cody, this is Mark...Cute rabbit, they are delicious...
Aye,yai,yai! Get in touch with Travis. He used to have his own rabbit business when he was a kid. he can give you pointers. We got parakeets from Uncle Ralph (Travis' brother) and we still have one clinging to life. I SO enjoy live pet gifts without consultation. They're precious. ::Grits teeth::
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