Today was the 1st day of my current training plan that I increased my track intervals to half mile repeats. I LOVE half mile repeats. I find that since I'm doing less intervals than I was when sprinting 400 or 600's I'm able to stay more focused & push myself harder on each set. I really scraped the bottom today.
Usually when I increase my interval distances, my 1st workout performance of the new distance isn't great, I get fatigued quickly & struggle keeping the speed/intensity up the entire distance & for as many sprints as I'm needing to do. Today was the exception of the rule because I tore up the track today!!! I felt great & performed great!
Tomorrow I go to the UNM physiology lab to get my body fat & power to weight ratio tested. I'll let you know how the tests go.
I'd like to know what kind of voo-doo Sweat Caps put on thier products to make me lose so many of them! Where could all of them keep going? I love using them, & I must have dozens of those things lost all over my house.
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