I was on a two week vacation late March. That was the longest I'd been away from the prison excluding funerals or family illnesses in 3 years. It was magical being away from the prison that long. My family and i went to Denver. I didn't get a chance to work out while we were gone, i went a total of 5 days without weightlifting. That was the longest I'd gone without training since October of last year. There's 23 days until my next weightlifting meet. I really feel horrible about missing that much training so close to my next meet. My next meet is really important. If all goes well I'll set 3 new state records. But, i don't regret missing the training . The trip with my family was one of the most fun vacations of my life.
I fell of the diet wagon the whole trip. I ate what ever i wanted. It was great.
BTW, I'm so sore today!
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