July 28, 2018

Undisputedly Strong throwdown 4 report

 was 2 rounds ofof yolk carry of 410lbs, 3 175lb sandbag yolk, then 7 burpees over a 3 foot fence. I came in dead last. And I wasn't even close to the 2nd to last. It was humiliating. 45 reps.

60 seconds of max axle deadlifts of 375lb, 60 second restthen 60 second max reps of shoulder to overhead. I got 14 reps on DL and 8 for overhead press. 22 total reps.

Wod 3
2 rounds
5 Tire flips
100 ft Sled push @ 300
15 Axel bar cleans 175
20 calorie row
On this WOD I did a lot better than I thought I would. I finished 1 entire round and the 2nd round of tire flips.

Floater WOD was a max bench press. I benched 320 and took 2nd place.

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