After my post "the big 3 paranoia" a couple weeks ago that was full of motivation & expecting great things....things simply fell apart. I missed 4 workouts one week, then I didn't work out once the entire next week. Ouch indeed!
Normally I'd beat myself up about something like this. I'm realizing I completed a late season Ironman & didn't take enough time off, plus my focus has been on my 2 children, my wife, & my new baby on the way. I'm going to do my best to rededicate myself, but I'm not going to beat myself up if I'm unable to get back into the swing of hard core training like I'm used to. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed. This was supposed to be my season to shine, since I'm now training specifically for sprints & that distance is the one I've always done best at. But, this is a life long sport, it's like my coach Pete Alfino says, I don't do this for a living, it's for fun. So let's make the best of it.
Oh, & if Jason McClure is reading this, thanks for the words of encouragement. For you to encourage someone who is one of your rival competitors in your division, says a lot about the kind of person you are.
The first time I had tried weight watchers online I lost a ton of weight. Hindsight I believe I lost to much way to quickly. I was averaging just under 4 pounds of loss every week. I kept that up from Nov 07 until May 08. I dropped from 256 to an all time low of 188. I remember being ravenously hungry all the time.
I'm hovering around 230 now & I've been attempting weight watchers online again. I'm not dealing with the hunger well at all. I'll get a week into the diet & the hunger gets to me and I fall off the diet wagon again.
Albert Einstein said "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over again & expecting a different outcome." I might be a very, very, very slow learner, but by golly I think I'm on to something. If I lost to much weight to quickly before & was hungry to the point of torture, & now I'm so hungry all the time that I fail to stay consistent, then obviously I'm not getting enough calories on WW online!
So now what I shall try is to eat double the activity points I'm allocated on WW. I believe this will help for multiple reasons.
-I'll be getting more calories on the days I'm working out which is when I need the extra nutrients & calories to recover.
-I'll be getting more calories so I won't be so ravenous & end up self destructing.
-I will be losing weight more slowly, which from what I'm told makes a person more apt to not gain the weight back.
Like I said, I don't learn quickly, but at times I am capable of semi-intelligent thought. I'd like to point out I did say semi-intelligent. I don't want people to start expecting a light bulb above this noggin to often or they will be often disappointed:)
A tad bit of info for ya. Mac & Cheese out of a box has a butt lod of calories. Today I had just a tad bit, 1 cup to be exact. That was 9 weight watchers points!!! Darn near gave me a heart attack! Beware the mac & cheese out of the box!
So, you still sporting that pink M-Dot? :-)
Y,u want one too? We could start a trend!
No, I got it fixed last Saterday. Thank goodness. Pink just doesn't look good on me.
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