Since I'll be racing as a Clydesdale next year I was looking at some of the race results and found a name I hadn't heard in a long time: Arnold Ceniceros. He was one of the fastest Clydesdales I'd ever raced against, but a few years ago he graduated from UTEP and moved away. I was very excited to see Arnold Ceniceros is back in the area and racing again. Not only was he a tremendous athlete but more importantly he was a great person.
When I was looking at some of his race times I saw he is still one seriously FAST triathlete! I've raced him dozens of times and never even came close to beating him. One of my bucket list goals had been to beat him in a triathlon. Now that he's back it looks like I have a new goal for 2013, to beat Arnold Ceniceros in a triathlon. That's a pretty lofty goal, one I've never even come close to accomplishing before, but one I'm very motivated to accomplish. Looks like a season of ultra endurance trail running will have to wait awhile, because I'm on the hunt! Time to start healing up from the surgery I had on Friday and get into serious training mode!
This is Arnold:
So you decided you are over your fear of training on the bike?
Just curious: can you train through the winter outside in NM? I have to spend quite a few days in the gym where I live, unfortunately. I get outside on the bike whenever I can during the winter, though.
I'm glad to hear you're going to be doing tris and look forward to reading all about it!
Thank you for your comment. Absolutely we can train through the winter here. It can be cold, but there's very few days of rain, sleet, ice, or snow. When it does it usually melts off the roads enough to cycle safely before the end of the day. It's a triathlon training wonderland. There's flats, hills, mountains, anything an athlete could want.
Put a picture of Arnold next to your bed, your kitchen and you wallet.
Having a goal to beat someone is a great way to stay motivated to push yourself passed your limits. The amazing part of this is how focused people can be when the goal is applied.
Can't wait for 2013 and I'll be checking frequently on your progress.
Good luck
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