May 21, 2011

Long runs & wild life in Santa Fe

This morning I did my weekly long run at the Rancho Viejo housing development. I absolutely love running there. It's beautiful. A few feet from the trail head I found a 5 foot long bull snake sunning itself.

I also saw a black crow land near the run trail, it dropped something, dug a hole with it's beak, pushed the thing it dropped into the hole, & buried it with his beak. Then it picked up a rock & a couple branches to hide the freshly dug hole. I was curious, so I went to see what it was the crow had buried. It was a baby rabbit about 3 inches long. I had always heard crows were intelligent, but I had no idea they were intelligent enough to bury carrion & camouflage the hole. Pretty impressive. I see the most amazing things being an endurance athlete in northern New Mexico!

1 comment:

Jenny Davidson said...

Beautiful; gory; fascinating! Crows are definitely pretty darn brainy...