July 08, 2011

Masters swimming torture session 2

On Wednesday I swam with the masters swim group for the 1st time. I swam farther than I ever have before in a training session. The only times I've swam farther was my 2 Iron distance triathlons.

Today I showed up after having rested-only running, no swimming- Thursday. My lats & arms were still sore & fatigued.

I tried my best to keep up but failed miserably. I was slow- even slower than usual- & I kept cramping. The others in my lane were very understanding & kind about my lack of speed & endurance. After an hour of swimming I only finished 2650 yards.

Even though I suffered I had a blast! I got beat up so badly in the water, I'm not sure if I can finish my brick today. It's been years since any workouts have hurt me like this. If I keep this up I suspect I'll be a beast in the water in no time at all!

1 comment:

mediumtriguy said...

Hang in there Cody! I worked out with the Lobo Master's Swim Club at UNM for 4-6 days a week and got smoking fast. You'll adapt in no time!