July 23, 2007

Turning over a new leaf

As many of you know I have been struggling with my weight. In Feb/March I was down to 211 and was faster than I'd ever dreamed I could be. At that time I weighed less than I'd weighed in over a decade. But now I'm struggling to keep off the lbs. What changed? My motivation is what changed. The last two years I'd been racing against 2 really fast guys in the Clydesdale 39 and under division. Jay Engebretson and Arnold Ceniceros. They were fast, and the competition drove me. I ended last season 2-2 against Jay. And 1-3 against Arnold. I have to say the only reason I even got 1 win against Arnold was because he wrecked. By the end of last season I was obsessed with training, diet, and racing. I wanted to beat these guys so bad!

By the Dec 06 Polar Bear triathlon I had made major time improvements. It was the 3rd time I'd done that course and I beat my PR by over 13 minutes! The closest Clydesdale in my division was 3.5 minutes behind me. In April of this year I placed 9th overall at Sully's super sprint and 15 overall at the Atomic man duathlon. But alas, Jay and Arnold never showed at ANY SW races at all.

Turns out at the beginning of this season Jay moved away and Arnold took this year off to concentrate on college. By April I had 5 1st place finishes and one 5th place (due to 2 flats at MVTC). Without those two triathletes there, there wasn't really anyone in my division to compete with me. So as I got more comfortable with mounting wins I became lazy and started cheating on my diet.

I got news recently that Arnold graduated and he has stated training again. Hard. He plans on competing again next season.
Struggle alleviated.
-I haven't cheated on my diet in 7 days.
- I've givin up coffee for the first time since 2000 because I want to ensure I'm always well hydrated. If a person is hydrated they recover faster.
- I've been making sure I get a full 8 hrs sleep (very unusual for me).
-I even started swimming.
-For the first time ever in my life I've started doing portion control when eating.
-I'm eating every 3 hrs to speed up my metabolism.
-Any workout under 2 hrs I make sure to do first thing in the morning on an empty stomach to burn more fat.

I'm back. I am now in predator mode and I have sighted my prey.

I'll keep you updated on how the hunt goes. So farThis week:
hrs trained 14.05
swim 1000 yards
Bike 50.1
Run 13
Brick 50.1
Running stairs 2 miles
Weight 233lbs


Anonymous said...

But what happens if you get in such good shape you are no longer a Clydsdale!

Anonymous said...

Here is one more thing to keep you motivated. I am using you as my *carrot*. I am not missing any workouts, weight is dropping off, fitness is starting to come back. So just remember this; whenever you arent moving towards your goals, then I am making up ground on you. I know you dont want to get caught by my fat a@@. Run, Cody, run.

S. Baboo said...

The whole Clyde division seems to be shrinking in our area and I miss having people to worry about. I've slacked off the short course training because of all the long course stuff I'm doing and my speed has suffered. If next year doesn't look tougher I will probably race my AG.

Bones said...

Hey Cody,
You can always do the AG thing! From what I'm thinking, since you are taller you should be faster, right :)

Watch out for Arnold, he sneaks up on you when you least expect it!

Where did Jay move to?

Podium quest said...

I think he moved to Washington

Anonymous said...

Hey Cody,

Go for broke .. Challenge yourself by racing as an age grouper. On the other hand after yesterdays weigh in at the Gym I only need 13 pounds and I can challenge you as a clydesdale!


Bigun said...

come to FL when you get a chance...on Dec 1'st - sign up for St. Anthony's Oly - you AND that stinker Baboo can stay at the Bigun's Tri-Quarters, if you are looking for some competition - and I don't mean necessarily from me either!

Duane said...

very good dude!

the Dread Pirate Rackham said...

woo woo! Go Cody!

Anonymous said...

Gluten bad. Gluten very bad. Grrr. Ask Nolan!

SWTrigal said...

You go Cody! Nothing like a little competition to kick us into gear...Don't go crazy on that swimming thing now :)