July 11, 2007

Weight loss lost

Well, to say the least I'm not very good at this whole weight loss thing. I had gotten down into the high 220's. I'm back to 236. I really suck at portion control. I'm not so good at eating the foods I'm suposed to either. come to think of it isn't those 2 things all it takes to lose weight? 0-2. Not so good.

I've decided to try something a great blogger and all around great guy, couch-potatoe-to-Ironman, suggested. I'm going to start logging everything I eat into a log book. Even on days I splurge- which seems to be allot these days- I'm going to write down each and everything I eat. Perhaps if everytime I open that book I see recent accomplishments and failures I'll be less willing to keep stuffing my pie hole!

I'll keep tou informed on how my diet goes. Seems when it comes to my blog I only write it down when the news is good. No news is bad news:)

On another note I found the most incredible web sight. It has thousands of race results from races all over the world. Once you sign on you can claim any races you did under your name. It copares you to other racers and does many other pretty cool things automatically. I found 2 marathons, 1 half marathon, 2 70.3's, and 1 oly tri that I'd done all on the same page just waiting for me to click on it. http://www.athlinks.com/



SWTrigal said...

I just got a book by Josh Hillis called "The Stubborn Seven Pounds"
(Guess how much I need to lose?)


Anyway-he is a big proponent on writing down everything you eat. His theory is that our bodies get use to the same old exercise and we stop losing weight. He says the key is more protein and more weight lifting (this is my very simplified understanding). Haven't started the program yet but hope to lose that stubborn 7 pounds so I can run faster!!

Anonymous said...

Cody, I feel you brother. Shoot me an email. We have alot in common on this. I have learned a few things about this (still no type of expert) after years of failures and enough therapy to buy a couple of sweet race bikes. Get in touch with me.

S. Baboo said...

Tracking intake works!

Duane said...

It hurts to write down those handfuls of nuts or M&Ms I eat, but it keeps me honest with myself!